Common Truck Door Defects

The use of large 18-wheeler trucks is quite common for many businesses, particularly those that frequently have to transport parts or products across significant distances. With businesses depending on the safe and efficient transport of these products, it’s critical that the trucks being used have the appropriate doors, and do not have any defects.

Unfortunately, a lot of large truck doors have defects in them that make the doors faulty, and not safe to use to transport products or goods. Repairing these defects is important for restoring the safety and functionality of the trucks that you use for your business.

4 Defects

There are many ways that doors might be faulty on a large truck, but a few defects are particularly common. Some of the most notable include four defects on truck doors involving the following problems:

  • Weak parts / materials
  • Improper installation of parts / doors
  • Latch or Lock defects
  • Slide mechanism defects

These defects are quite common, and can create frustrating problems for business owners. Faulty doors can create serious liabilities for business owners, and need to be repaired or replaced as soon as possible.

Contact Us

If you or someone you know needs to repair or replace truck doors for their business, then the experts at Cowart Door Systems can help. Specializing not only in garage doors, but also truck doors, we can help you assess your truck door problems and repair them quickly. Give us a call at (512) 459-3467 to learn more about what we can do to help.